Feminism and Socialism: Report from the 3rd Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers

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Publication Date

Fall 1991

Publication Title



This section presents a special report from some feminist philosophers who were among the U.S. and Canadian delegates to the Third Conference of North American and Cuban Philosophers, entitled, The Future of Socialism: The View from Cuba, held near Havana, Cuba, on May 31 to June 11, 1991. As of 1991, the Cuban government's main strategies for keeping the country afloat are the promotion of tourism, research and trade in biotechnology, and the intensification of agricultural production to feed the population. These strategies cannot be implemented instantaneously, nor can results be swift. It was discovered that women are a major presence in philosophy in Cuba. Over 60 percent of Cuban philosophers are women, and women chair both major philosophical associations. The Cuban feminist work presented at the Conference came not from philosophers but from representatives of the Federation of Cuban Women (Federación de Mujeres Cubanas) (FMC). Their presentation elicited so much interest that additional meetings were set up. Cuban feminism so far has been founded on the idea of women's full equality in society. But such full equality in practice has not yet been achieved. A common complaint of Cuban women is that men refuse to share household duties, despite the Family Code. According to FMC staff members much of the problem lies in the fact that many Cuban women, despite the opportunities that are open to them continue to embrace traditional roles.


Copyright 1991 by Hypatia, Inc. All rights reserved.
