Welcome to the Map Gallery. In this section, the digitized Maine's Bird's Eye views are organized alphabetically by City/Town name. Views of specific events or locations, e.g. "The Encampment of the First Brigade, Maine Volunteer Militia, 1885," are organized within their parent City/Town, in this case, Augusta. To view the individual maps (and related data), you can either click on the image or the location title. You can also enter a location in the "Search" bar at the top left corner of the home page. An alternative way to search and view the maps is to choose "View gallery on map," on the left menu, which will allow you to see the views as geo-located pins on a digital map of the state of Maine. Each entry includes information about the view, including title, artist, publisher, year published, city/town description, and population of the city/town at the time of publication. Whenever possible, we have also included period newspaper references for the individual views.
If you are aware of a Bird's Eye View map of a Maine city, town, or event, made between 1870 and 1905, that is not yet included in this database, we would love to know about it! Please email our Cartographic Reference and Teaching Librarian, Louis Miller (louis.miller@maine.edu), with information about the view, and we will endeavor to add it to our database.