"2017 Youth Recidivism: Diversion to Discharge in Maine's Juvenile Just" by Robyn Dumont and Erica King MSW

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Juvenile, Recidivism, Diversion, Discharge, Supervised


This report summarizes research that examined data for youth involved with the Maine Juvenile Justice System who were diverted, supervised, or released from commitment for the first time from 2010 to 2014. The report describes the cohorts of youth demographically, reviews trends, explores risk levels and length of stay, and examines recidivism and returns to a facility. This research shows that fewer youth are entering the system and that more of those who do are quickly and successfully diverted. It shows that youth supervised in the community are decreasing in risk level and offense severity and that the majority do not recidivate. It shows that committed youth are decreasing in risk level as well; the majority are assessed at low to moderate risk at time of commitment and are adjudicated with misdemeanor charges.


This report is available on the Maine Statistical Analysis Center Website at: http://muskie.usm.maine.edu/justiceresearch

The findings and conclusions in this report reflect the views of the authors; they do not necessarily represent the views of the Maine Department of Corrections.

See also: 2017 Youth Recidivism Report – Executive Summary: Diversion to Discharge in Maine’s Juvenile Justice System

Funding Organization

Maine Department of Corrections

Included in

Juvenile Law Commons



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