"The State of Health in Maine: A 20-Year Retrospective" by Erika C. Ziller PhD, Carly Milkowski MPH et al.

The State of Health in Maine: A 20-Year Retrospective

Document Type


Publication Date



access, health, rural, Maine, insurance, health behaviors, MRHRC


In acknowledgment of its 20th anniversary in 2020, the Maine Health Access Foundation collaborated with University of Southern Maine faculty and staff to prepare this review of health and health care access in Maine over the past 20 years. In addition to telling a story about Maine’s demographic and health care landscape, this document provides data to celebrate the state’s accomplishments and identify ongoing and emerging areas of health concern. Some challenges, such as health care affordability, reflect broad national trends as well as Maine-specific concerns. Other data points illustrate disproportionate access challenges experienced by certain members of our communities, including individuals with low income or mental health challenges; those working for small business; Black, Indigenous and other populations of color; and, sexual and gender minorities.


Report Design: Louisa Munk, MPH

Funding Organization

Maine Health Access Foundation (MeHAF)
