"First STEPS Phase II Initiative: Improving Developmental, Autism, and " by Kimberley S. Fox MPA, Carolyn E. Gray MPH et al.

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Immunization Programs - Maine, Immunization - MaineCare, Immunization Rates - Maine


First STEPS (Strengthening Together Early Preventive Services) is a learning initiative supported by Maine's CHIPRA quality demonstration grant to support measure-driven practice improvement in pediatric and family practices across the state on improving developmental, autism, and lead screening for children. This report, authored by research staff at the USM Muskie School, evaluates the impact of Phase II of Maine's First STEPS initiative, which was implemented from May to December 2012 and included 12 practices serving more than 20,000 children on MaineCare (Maine's Medicaid system). The authors assess changes in developmental, autism, and lead screening rates and evidence-based office processes in participating practices before and after the initiative, as well as related systems changes. They also summarize lessons learned in implementing changes in practices and challenges in using CHIPRA and IHOC developmental, autism, and lead screening measures at the practice-level to inform quality improvement.

Funding Organization

Funded under Grant CFDA 93.767 from the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) authorized by Section 401(d) of the Child Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA)



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