Date of Award


Document Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Catherine Miller

Second Advisor

Rachel Larsen

Third Advisor

Allison Gardner


Biology, Avipoxvirus


An outbreak of Avipoxvirus occurred on a small farm in Gorham, ME in spring of 2022. This led to an investigation of the molecular and immunological properties of the virus using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) to assess viral presence and antibody presence in domestic and wild turkeys and chickens. Viral presence was found in three visually pox-lesioned birds, and not found in two visually pox-lesioned birds. Viral presence was found in three visually healthy birds and not found in two visually healthy birds. Viral presence was not found in any pooled samples of mosquitoes (n=429 Culex pipiens and Culex restuans). Birds infected in spring of 2022, recovered, and harvested in fall 2023 were utilized as positive controls in ELISAs. All domestic and wild turkey samples were positive for viral presence regardless of pox-lesion presence.

Included in

Biology Commons
