
Publications from 2001


Libby Brook Implementation Plan, Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District and Casco Bay Estuary Project


Using System Level Quality Measures to Improve Home and Community-based Services in Maine, Julie T. Fralich MBA and Sue Nonemaker RN, MS


Atmospheric Deposition of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Near New England Coastal Waters, D. Golomb, E. Barry, and G. Fisher


New Meadows River Watershed and Shoreline Surveys, Christopher S. Heinig


New England Early Care and Education Workforce Models for Data Collection, Angie Herrick, Doug Baird, Tracy Cooley, Jeantel DeGazon, Julie Dennehy, Christine Johnson-Staub, Erin Oldham, Tammy Richards, and Sasha Stavsky


Final Report of a Substrate Survey of the Mallison, Little Falls, and Saccarappa Impoundments, Presumpscot River, Maine, Northern Ecological Associates, Inc.


MaineCare Managed Care Performance Report SFY 2000, Catherine Ormond, Tina Gressani, and Maureen Booth


Financing and Payment Issues in Rural Long-term Care Integration [Working Paper], Paul Saucier MA and Julie T. Fralich MBA

Publications from 2000


Preliminary Assessment of Client Interest in and Needs of the New England Environmental Finance Center, New England Environmental Finance Center and University of Southern Maine


Environmental Finance Charette, Hyannis Park on Lewis Bay: A Case Study, New England Environmental Finance Center and Environmental Finance Center of University of Maryland


Models for Integrating and Managing Acute and Long Term Care Services in Rural Areas, Andrew F. Coburn


Models for Integrating and Managing Acute and Long-term Care Services in Rural Areas [Working Paper], Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Creating Affordable Rural Housing with Services: Options and Strategies, Elise J. Bolda, Sara T. Salley, Robert G. Keith, Mark F. Richards, Romaine M. Turyn, and Patricia Dempsey


Multiple Hospitalizations Among Elderly Nursing Facility Residents: Is Rural Residence a Risk Factor?, Andrew F. Coburn, Robert G. Keith, and Elise J. Bolda


Creating Affordable Rural Housing with Services: Options and Strategies, Elise J. Bolda, Sara T. Salley, Robert G. Keith, Mark F. Richards, Romaine M. Turyn, and Patricia Dempsey


Rural Long Term Care Integration: Developing Service Capacity, Elise J. Bolda PhD and John W. Seavey PhD


2000 State of the Bay Report, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership


State of Maine Climate Change Action Plan, Responding to Global Climate Change and Achieving Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions in Maine: Roles for Industry, Business, Government and Citizens, Christopher Cronan, Deirdre Mageen, and Andrew Plantinga


Municipal shellfish management using GIS, Christopher S. Heinig and Seth Barker


The Maine Healthy Families Program, Erin E. Oldham PhD; Tammy Richards; and Anne B. Keith RN, DrPH, C-PNP


Healthy Families Maine: Final Evaluation Report, Erin E. Oldham PhD; Tammy Richards; Anne B. Keith RN, DrPH, C-PNP; and Julie Atkins MA


Air Deposition of Pollutants to Casco Bay: Field Monitoring and Estimation Protocols, Catherine Richardson


MaineHealth Access Project: Findings from Consumer Focus Groups, Erika C. Ziller

Submissions from 1999


Multiple Hospitalizations Among Elderly Nursing Facility Residents: Is Rural Residence a Risk Factor?, Andrew F. Coburn, Robert G. Keith, and Elise J. Bolda


Expanding and Sustaining the Shellfisheries of Casco Bay-Phase I: Ranking Clam Flats for Potential Remediation, Normandeau Associates, Inc. and MER Assessment Co.


Return the Tides Resource Book, Erno Bonebakker, Peter Shelley, and Kim Spectre

Effects of changing Medicaid fees on physician participation and enrollee access., Andrew F. Coburn Ph.D., Stephen H. Long Ph.D., and M. Susan Marquis Ph.D.


Mussel Tissue Toxicity Monitoring Program, Lee Doggett and Casco Bay Estuary Partnership

Submissions from 1998


Treatment and Outcomes Among Rural and Urban Nursing Home Residents with Depression, Elise J. Bolda PhD, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Robert G. Keith PhD, W. Douglas Thompson PhD, and Neil Korsen MD


Treatment and Outcomes Among Rural and Urban Nursing Home Residents with Depression, Elise Bolda, Robert G. Keith, Patricia Dushuttle, and Katherine Bridges


Does Access to Mental Health Services Available for Rural and Urban Nursing Home Residents with Depression Differ?, Elise J. Bolda PhD, Robert G. Keith PhD, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Patricia Dushuttle M.A., and Katherine Bridges M.A.


Employer-based Health Insurance Coverage of Workers: Are Rural Firms and Workers Different?, Andrew F. Coburn and Elizabeth Kilbreth


Portland Islands Clam Flat Technical Assistance Project, Normandeau Associates, Inc.


Urban-rural Differences in Employer-based Health Insurance Coverage of Workers, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Elizabeth H. Kilbreth PhD, Stephen H. Long PhD, and M. Susan Marquis PhD

Management of Patients with Depression by Rural Primary Care Practitioners., David Hartley PhD, MHA; Neil Korsen MD; Donna C. Bird PhD; and Marc S. Agger MPH

Rural Models for Integrating Primary Care and Mental Health Services., Donna C. Bird PhD; David Lambert PhD; David Hartley PhD, MHA; Peter G. Beeson; and Andrew F. Coburn PhD

Evaluation of the Medical Eligibility Determination (med96) Supplemental Screens for Cognition and Behavior Problems, Elise Bolda PhD, Robert G. Keith PhD, Louise Olsen, and Julie T. Fralich MBA

Evaluation of Consumer/Resident Transfers: A Study of Discharges and Transfers Between Various Long-term Care Settings, Elise Bolda PhD, Robert G. Keith PhD, Mark Richards BS, and Julie T. Fralich MBA

The Role of Health Services Research in Developing State Health Policy, Andrew F. Coburn PhD


Rural Models for Integrating and Managing Acute and Long-term Care Services [Working Paper], Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Elise Bolda PhD, John W. Seavey PhD, Julie T. Fralich MBA, and Deborah Curtis MPH


Royal River Watershed: A Water Quality Management Plan, Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District

A Study of Alzheimer Special Care Units in Maine Nursing Facilities and Residential Care Facilities: A Comparative Analysis of Resident Characteristics and Results of Surveys to Family Members and Facilities, Julie T. Fralich MBA, P. Dushuttle, Romaine Turyn, and Robert G. Keith PhD

Satisfaction with Practice in a Rural State: Perceptions of Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Midwives, Anne B. Keith RN, DrPH, C-PNP; Andrew F. Coburn PhD; and Elizabeth Mahoney JD

State-sponsored Programs for the Uninsured: Is There Adverse Selection?, Elizabeth Kilbreth PhD, Andrew F. Coburn PhD, Catherine McGuire BS, Diane P. Martin, Paula Hagedorn Diehr, C. W. Madden, and S. M. Skillman


The Impact of Substance Abuse on Federal Spending, Jeffrey Merrill and Kimberley S. Fox MPA

Linked Data Analysis of Dually Eligible Beneficiaries in New England., Paul Saucier MA; Lee Bezanson RN, JD; Maureen Booth MRP, MA; Stuart Bratesman MPP; Julie T. Fralich MBA; Daniel Gilden MS; Elaina K. Goldstein JD, MPA; Darlene O'Connor PhD; Christopher V. Perrone MPP; and Katharine Willrich MS

Publications from 1997


Casco Bay Marine Resources GIS Map Verification Project, Christopher S. Heinig and Andrew Bertocci


Do Nursing Home Discharge Rates Differ for Rural and Non-rural Residents with Hip Fracture?, Andrew F. Coburn, Elise J. Bolda, Robert G. Keith, Patricia Dushuttle, and Alyce Schultz


Differences in Nursing Home Discharge Rates for Urban and Rural Nursing Facility Residents with Hip Fracture, Andrew F. Coburn, Elise J. Bolda, Robert G. Keith, Patricia Dushuttle, and Alyce Schultz

Assessment Process Evaluation: Medical Eligibility Determination (med94/med96), Elise Bolda PhD, Julie T. Fralich MBA, P. Dushuttle, and Louise Olsen