The Cutler Institute’s Disability and Aging program is a team of multi-disciplinary professionals with extensive experience working in close collaboration with states to provide technical assistance, conduct evaluations, identify best practices, and perform policy analysis work.
Our staff work with federal and state policy makers and their partners to provide the information and analysis they need to improve the effectiveness of health policy and programs.
We focus our work in the following areas:
- Medicaid Policy and Operations
- Delivery of System Reform
- Workforce and Organizational Improvement
- Health and Well Being
Respite for ME Grants First Year Evaluation Report, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA and Jayne M. Foley
Respite for ME Grants First Year Evaluation Report. Executive Summary, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA and Jayne M. Foley
Financial Alignment Initiative: New York Fully Integrated Duals Advantage for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Preliminary Third Evaluation Report, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Elizabeth Gattine JD, Amy Kandilow PhD, Matthew Toth PhD, and Amy Chepaitis PhD
Adult Day Services in Maine: Benefits, Challenges, and Opportunities, Elizabeth Gattine JD; Eileen Griffin JD; and Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA
Economic Security of Older Women in Maine, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Elizabeth Gattine JD, and Sammy-Ellie MacKinnon MSW
Financial Alignment Initiative: New York Integrated Appeals and Grievances Demonstration. First Brief Report, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Elizabeth Gattine JD, Edith G. Walsh PhD, and Amy Chepaitis PhD
Maine Elder Justice Roadmap, Maine Elder Justice Coordinating Partnership, Elisabeth Snell MPH, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Devon Grayson-Wallace, Jennifer Pratt, Becky Wurwarg, and Sammy-Ellie MacKinnon MSW
Financial Alignment Initiative New York FIDA Combined Second and Third Evaluation Report, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Eileen J. Griffin JD, Louise Olsen BA, Emily Costilow MA, Ira Dave MSPH, Cleo Kordomenos BA, and Edith G. Walsh PhD
Pent-Up Demand for Care among Dual-Eligible Victims of Elder Financial Exploitation in Maine, Yvonne Jonk PhD, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Deborah Thayer MBA, Catherine McGuire BS, Stuart Bratesman MPP, Charles A. Smith PhD, and Erika C. Ziller PhD
The Role of the Opioid Crisis in Elder Abuse, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Jennifer Pratt, and Stuart Bratesman MPP
Financial Alignment Initiative Massachusetts One Care: Third Evaluation Report, Elizabeth Gattine JD, Frances Jimenez BA, Matthew Toth PhD, Paul Moore MA, Joyce Wang MPH, Emily Vreeland MS, Lanre Adisa BA, Wayne Anderson PhD, and Angela Greene MS
Financial Alignment Initiative Massachusetts One Care: Second Evaluation Report, Elizabeth Gattine JD, Martha Elbaum Williamson MPA, Joyce Wang MPH, Yiyan Liu PhD, Emily Gillen PhD, Giuseppina Chiri PhD, Melissa Morely PhD, Wayne Anderson PhD, and Angela Greene MS
Financial Alignment Initiative New York Fully Integrated Duals Advantage (FIDA) Program First Evaluation Report, Eileen J. Griffin JD, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Winnie Chi PhD, Paul Moore MA, Brieanne Lyda-McDonald MS, Quantesa Roberts MA, Nga Thach BS, Emily Vreeland MS, Wayne Anderson PhD, and Angela Greene MS
The Health Care Costs of Financial Exploitation in Maine, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, Yvonne Jonk PhD, Deborah Thayer MBA, Catherine McGuire BS, Stuart Bratesman MPP, Charles A. Smith PhD, and Erika C. Ziller PhD
An Analysis of the Universal Home Care Program: Considerations for Implementation with the Context of Maine's Existing LTSS Programs, Eileen J. Griffin JD, Elizabeth C. Gattine JD, Louise Olsen, and Stuart Bratesman MPP
Adults Using Long Term Services and Supports: Population and Service Use Trends in Maine, SFY 2016, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA; Frances Jimenez BA; Tina Gressani; and Louise Olsen
Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older People: A Closer Look at Definitions, Mary Lou Ciolfi and Frances Jimenez BA
Charting a Pathway Forward: Redesigning and Realigning Supports and Services for Maine's Older Adults, Eileen Griffin JD and Elizabeth C. Gattine JD
Financial Exploitation of Maine's Older Adults: An Analysis of Maine Adult Protective Services and Legal Services for the Elderly Case Records, State Fiscal Years 2010-2016, Eileen Griffin JD; Catherine McGuire BS; and Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA
Living With a Brain Injury in Maine: Individual Experiences, Perceptions, and Needs, Mary Lou Ciolfi, Eileen Griffin JD, Jennifer Pratt, Mark Richards BS, Sherry Gildard, and Beatrice Byrne
Financial Alignment Initiative Annual Report: One Care: MassHealth Plus Medicare, Elizabeth C. Gattine JD; Julie T. Fralich MBA; Maureen Booth MRP, MA; and Angela M. Greene MS, MBA
Financial Alignment Initiative Annual Report: One Care: MassHealth plus Medicare, Elizabeth Gattine JD, Julie Fralich MBA, Maureen Booth MA, Angela Greene MS, Wayne Anderson PhD, Melissa Morley PhD, Matthew Toth PhD, Joyce Wang MPH, David Kaiser MA, and Amy Chepaitis PhD
Adults Using Long-term Services and Supports: Population and Service Use Trends in Maine, SFY 2014, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA; Tina Gressani; Louise Olsen; Catherine McGuire BS; Stuart Bratesman MPP; Karen Mauney; and Jason Theriault
Shaping the Health and Long-term Care Infrastructure Serving Older Adults: Historical Trends and Future Directions, Julie T. Fralich MBA
Multiple Roles of Medicaid ...and the Administrative Capacity to Support Them, Eileen Griffin JD
Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Spectrum Disorder: Population and Service Use Trends in Maine, 2014 Edition, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA; Stuart Bratesman MPP; Taryn Bowe; and Julie T. Fralich MBA
Adults with Intellectual Disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Executive Summary, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA; Stuart Bratesman MPP; Taryn Bowe; and Julie T. Fralich MBA
A Review of Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician Qualifications and Training Procedures, Kimberly I. Snow MHSA, BA; Nadine Erdis MSW; and Janice Daley MSW
Measurement, Monitoring, and Evaluation of State Demonstrations to Integrate Care for Dual Eligible Individuals: Massachusetts Evaluation Design Plan., Julie T. Fralich MBA; Maureen Booth MRP, MA; Edith G. Walsh PhD; Angela M. Greene MS, MBA; Melissa Morley PhD; and Wayne Anderson PhD
Dementia in Maine: Characteristics, Care, and Cost Across Settings [CHARTBOOK], Julie T. Fralich MBA, Stuart Bratesman MPP, Louise Olsen, Catherine McGuire BS, Tina Gressani, Karen Mauney, Catherine Gunn, and Romaine Turyn
Providing Long Term Services & Supports to People with Impaired Decision-Making Capacity: Results of Data Analysis and Interviews Examining Needs and Characteristics of Persons with Impaired Decision-Making Capacity in Maine, Eileen Griffin JD, Louise Olsen, and Julie T. Fralich MBA
Managing a High-Performance Medicaid Program, Eileen Griffin JD, Trish Riley, Vikki Wachino, and Robin Rudowitz
The Future of Medicaid: Building Sustainability through Program Innovation, Kimberly Snow and Trish Riley
Dementia Capable Project: Interviews with Employers who Direct Services of a Person with Dementia, Taryn Bowe, Julie T. Fralich MBA, Louise Olsen, and Mark Richards BS
Children and Adults With Long Term Services and Support Needs: MaineCare and Medicare Expenditures and Utilization, State Fiscal Year 2010, Stuart Bratesman MPP, Julie T. Fralich MBA, Tina Gressani, and Eileen Griffin JD
Personal Experiences With Long Term Care Services and Supports, Julie Fralich MBA, Mark Richards BA, Louise Olsen, Vanessa Bell, and Jennifer Pratt
Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities: Population and Service Use Trends in Maine, 2012 Edition, Julie T. Fralich MBA, Stuart Bratesman MPP, Louise Olsen, Catherine McGuire BS, Jasper Ziller, Karen Mauney, and Catherine Gunn
"Homelike" Characteristics of Maine's Residential Services: A Survey of Maine's Residential Service Settings (2010), Julie T. Fralich MBA, Eileen Griffin JD, and Catherine McGuire BS
Maine Direct Service Workforce Survey Results 2012 [Chartbook], Julie T. Fralich MBA, Eileen Griffin JD, and Danielle Wescott
Satisfaction Survey Results and Lessons Learned: Maine's Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Project, Julie T. Fralich MBA, Louise Olsen, Mark Richards BS, Jennifer Pratt, and Taryn Bowe
Personal Experiences with MaineCare Services from People Who Use Elder and Adults with Disabilities Waiver and Private Duty Nursing/Personal Care Services., Julie T. Fralich MBA, Katherine Rosingana, Mark Richards BS, Louise Olsen, Vanessa Bell, and Jennifer Pratt
Members Dually Eligible for MaineCare and Medicare Benefits: MaineCare and Medicare Expenditures and Utilization, State Fiscal Year 2010., Catherine McGuire BS, Tina Gressani, Stuart Bratesman MPP, Julie T. Fralich MBA, and Eileen Griffin JD
Medicaid Managed Care: Background, Issues, and Options, Julie T. Fralich MBA
Maine's Community Living Program: Implementation and Outcomes, Julie T. Fralich MBA, Mark Richards BS, and Louise Olsen
Snapshot 2011: Maine Workers with Disabilities, Maine’s Commission on Disability and Employment and Choices CEO Project
Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities: Population and Service Use Trends in Maine, 2010 Edition, Julie T. Fralich MBA, Stuart Bratesman MPP, Cathy McGuire BS, and Louise Olsen
Maine Alzheimer's Diversion Initiative: Evaluation Report, Julie T. Fralich MBA; Stuart Bratesman MPP; Mark Richards BS; and Susan Payne PhD, MPH
Brain Injury in Maine: A Needs Assessment, Eileen Griffin JD
Systems Change in Employment Services for Persons With Serious and Persistent Mental Illness in Maine: Status Report 2006-2009, Helen Hemminger MMHS and Nadine Edris MSW
Snapshot 2010: Maine Workers with Disabilities, Maine’s Commission on Disability and Employment and Choices CEO Project