Document Type
Project Brief
Publication Date
Long Term Services, Maine, Disability and Aging, Cutler Institute, USM Aging Initiative, Policy, Health and Wellness
A recent report by the Muskie School and the Maine Department of Health and Human Services provides a new way of looking at the state’s long term support system. With an emphasis on developing a common approach for description and analysis across programs, the profile reveals that users of long term services and supports in Maine span all age groups and types of service users. In fact, 28% are ages 17 or younger and 29% are between the age of 35 and 64. Long term service users include people with physical impairments, cognitive and intellectual disabilities, and people who need behavioral health support. In Maine, these long term service users account for two-thirds of total Medicaid expenditures.
A Cross-System Profile of Maine’s Long Term Support System: A New View of Maine’s Long Term Services and Supports and the People Served is a baseline assessment of Maine’s current long term support systems serving:
- Adults with mental illness
- Older adults and adults with disabilities
- Adults with brain injury
- Adults with developmental disabilities
- Children with disabilities
This profile gathers information that can help DHHS answer the question: Does our long term service system provide the right balance of supports and services across all institutional, home, and community-based settings?
Funding Organization
This project was funded under a grant from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to the Maine Dept. of Health and Human Services (DHHS). A standardized “State Profile Tool” was provided by CMS as a guide for completing the profile.
Recommended Citation
Griffin, E. (2009). Profiling Maine’s Long Term Support System. (Project Brief). Portland, ME: University of Southern Maine, Muskie School of Public Service and the Maine Department of Health and Human Services.