"The Role of Organizational Change in Health System and Payment Reform" by Barbara Shaw JD, Andrew F. Coburn PhD et al.

Document Type

Policy Brief

Publication Date



Cutler Institute, Population Health and Health Policy, USM Aging Initiative, Policy


The Maine Health Access Foundation (MeHAF) has awarded grants to 14 Maine health organizations to date to mitigate the increasing cost of health care in Maine through innovative delivery system and payment reform strategies that preserve access, improve quality, and offer better value. As part of the evaluation of this initiative, the University of Southern Maine Muskie School of Public Service (Muskie School) is producing a series of issue briefs that capture common themes and challenges across grantees in achieving payment reform and health system delivery change to assess lessons learned. This is the first issue brief which describes our evaluation approach and presents an analysis of the role of organizational change among grantees engaged in delivery system and payment reform.


Issue Brief



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