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Mr. Edgar Anderson Full Interview
Edgar Anderson was born in Chicago in 1950, the second-oldest of six children. On his mother’s side, he has black, German, and Cree Native American ancestry; on his father’s side, he is descended from sharecroppers and former slaves from Mississippi. He attended high school in Chicago, and then went to the Military Academy at West Point in 1968, where he was one of ten black cadets in his class of 1200. He spent time in the Army as a basic training officer, and then received a graduate degree from Yale in business management and human resources. He moved to Portland, Maine, in 1985. He has one son from his first marriage, and two children from his second; at the time of this interview he also had three grandchildren. At the time of this interview, he worked in human resources for UPS. He served as the vice president of the NAACP New England Area Conference, as well as serving on the Portland NAACP’s executive committee.
On Employment:
“…We've been able to come here and raise our family, and have decent jobs, and enjoy what Maine has to offer…”
“I work for UPS… The people that drive these brown trucks, the delivery trucks. I hire the people that do those jobs?”
Publication Date
University of Southern Maine African American Collection
African American Studies | American Studies | Cultural History | Digital Humanities | Education | Genealogy | Higher Education | History | Labor History | Oral History | Other American Studies | Other Education | Other History | Public History | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
Panzella, Amber, "Mr. Edgar Anderson on Employment" (2001). Quotes. 8.

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