The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 012-013

The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 012-013

Portland Jewish Community Center


Images and transcript of pages 12-13 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.

Names featured in this spread include:

H. Blass, Ross Sandon?, Ed Gornbein, Irving Slakin, Harold Kolovsky, Abe B Aumund, Edward Shabovich, James Smith, Harry Lyson, Monnes? Melborne, Leonard Savitz, George Cemaitic?, Henri Beretey, Clovis Robinlon, PFC Eddie Maillet, VanRobayo Mark?, Pvt Leo H. Hirsck Jr., William Goldberg, Joseph Rusn?, David Conray, Dave Sulowitz U.S.N, Sid Davidowitz U.S.N, Louis Barr, Saul Kaufman, Maxwell Hondon, L Di Martino, C.J DeMarco, Joseph Louis Medem, Rice J. Estes, John G Gilley Jr., Don P. William, Will S. Byran, Richard F. Pawen III, Floyd O'Asheans, O. Levin USCG, John Silver, A.R Newey R.N, F.W Hannaford R.N, R.J Evans, Milton Gither, Cpl Baumard?, Pvt Bernard Deiteh, Faecluch U Eng?, Jules T Levitt, Fred Vollmer U.S.N.R, Harold J. Larrety USS??? USNR, Alvin L Zueie?, John Nrylter??, Pvt Bernard Deiteh, Cpl Roland L Saucier, Pfc Charles Berenson