The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 020-021
Images and transcript of pages 20-21 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.
Names featured in this spread include:
E. S Hart, Sarah Friedman, Sherman Tellerman, M.W Moch, Marshall Schlossberg, Sidney Worobaw, Joe Mangwell, George Lapps, B. Weinz, T. Quinn, J. Morelli, S. Grochven, Bent Miller, Bob Robdell, Reed Foster, B.B Reet, Pvt Murry Marot, Pvt John A Mangine, Peep Stahl- SoM3/c, A. Reichman, A. Fales, Cpl Jack Gertz, Pvt urry Marot, Pvt John A Mangine, Pvt Friella LaGuerda, D. Subert? S2/C, Milton Gither, John Coffee, Thomas J Woodnark?, J.M Aslee, Frederich Mcambee, Cpl Albert T. Mindean, Sgt Frank Davis, Julie Milton, Earl Hover, Pvt R. Milliken, Larry Weisman, Bione? Thoine?, Eddie Nuzback, William J Wallece, Alexander S Mal??, Theodore Lapidus, Pfc George A Yingil, Pvt T. Leviz, Pvt Bert Palfas, Pfc James J Cohell, Sgt George Lanels, Pvt John S Sullivan, Cpl Durwood C Fuller, Sgt Perry H Rogers?, Pfc Stanley P. Coleman, Pvt Albert J Cordill