The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 022-023

The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 022-023

Portland Jewish Community Center


Images and transcript of pages 22-23 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.

Names featured in this spread include:

Cpl Jack Powell, Lt Julius Toesclein?, Pearl Joy Alpen, U.S.C.G Wallace A. Gardiner, Robert Shelter, Dave Shulowitz, Phil Harley, Clark Gable, James Kauty, Thomas Raymond Sty, Adolph Roeppie RT 2/C, Stanley Markoe FC 3/C, Leo Yinmer RT RT 3/C, Myk? Burneau F 3/C, Cat Nastau S1/c, Anthony Fizzalato, Alan Leveen, Allen Narr, Cillian E Finn, Homman H Derrice, Sidney Rothenberg, George Paulten, Peep Stahl, Louis G Montanaeu, Cpl Jack Gertz, Dave Shulowitz, Harry Hahn, Sidney Worobaw, H. Blass, Pvt Bob Evenburg, U.S.C.G Joseph B. Meroza, Gerard Shepoulon?, Bernard Deiteh, Nerlin Jones, U.S.C.G Herbert Smith F1/C, U.S.C.G Han T Ralge?, U.S.C.G Melvin A. Nickmann, Nana Sean, M.A Miller, D. Ramsay, G. Gullidge, Benjamin Telchadder, M.J Zimmer, N. Floyd Chenes?, Bill Chestuns?, Joe Schmuty, U.S.C.G Morris Weinn, U.S.C.G Al Portelle, H. Springlam, G. Gillete, Ray Nanhaca?, Benjamin Telchadder, George J Wesbaum, Edward J Gelien?, H Bayne, Nathan Dechter, H.G Marantz?, U.S.C.G Bob Graham