The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 026-027
Images and transcript of pages 26-27 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.
Names featured in this spread include:
Joseph Gallos, Dave Shulowitz, Cpl Jack Gertz, Pvt Al Gren, Joseph King, Walter J.Plont, Nate Lechter, Lebbie F Dianon?, Cpl Saul Gilbert, Cpl Gene Demus, M.Sgt Harold Fagan, U.S.C.G Ralph R. Stkowitz?, Tidg? Snow, U.S.C.G J. Y Goodman, U.S.C.G Walter J. Plont, Charles Gibbs, Alan Leveen, Morris Rosenthal, Marty J Teehenan, Arthur Parker PhM3/c USNR, F Austin Hewfield, Seymour Z. Gust, Carmen Carlabania, Paul H. Darr Pfc USMC, David Godsey USN, Pfc Steven Gollen, George J Martin USNR, Pvt Carl Harley, Jack Gertz, Cecio W Smith, Cpl T Frank H Johnson, Louis Leiboutz, Frank S Mansras, Harold Chasm, Elmer J DeWitt, R.A Heaser, S. Roberts,W. Ahughs, Melvin Slatma, Seymour Gust, W.H Hamson Mus 3/C, Cpl Virgce Hacat, Pvt Harriet Hedman, Pvt Barbara Mae Theburne, Milton Wayne Hich, Warren C Carpenter, Cpl A Bisegna, Pfc Albert DeFrank, Sgt Earl Seeberg, Pvt Anthony J Parnella, Pvt Morris Madborne, Radar T Harry Lyson