The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 038-039
Images and transcript of pages 38-39 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.
Names featured in this spread include:
USN Benson B. Leet, USA A.A. Shore, Mrs. Deb Shore, Pvt. Joe Zima, USN Albert V. Wantz, USCG Kenneth M. Alberto, USCG Joseph B. Musio, USCG Ricky Perez, Max Bunder, T/5 Hyman Dansky Bttry 98th Div. Arty, USCG Joseph B. Musio, USCG Rene Renetier(Cox), Pvt. Jimmie Rausky, USN Abraham Kohl MM2/c, USCG Fred Curtis, Edward Hart, EJ Kelly, Prvt. Abraham Murphy, Pfc L.D. Hugo, Pvt. Leonard Salatini, Herbert Lehman, Irving Friedman, David Lifshitz, USN Olin Ulrey, pvt. Irving Pilth, Leo Goldenberg, Philip Sica, USN J.J. Daitch, Pvt. John Bendix, Pvt. Joseph Donnenberg, Pvt. Frank W. Scarpill, Sidney Seligson S2/c USNR, Reg Young, Sal Ettinger, Edward Hart, USA Albert Ritchie, Pvt. Robert Eisenberg, USMC Pfc Harold Richman, General Tony Pisallatto, Pvt Harry Lyson, USN William (Bill) Patrick, RN R. Dahler