The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 048-049

The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 048-049

Portland Jewish Community Center


Images and transcript of pages 00-01 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.

Names featured in this spread include:

Phil Webb, Leo J. Berman US Army, Arthur B. Marine, Leon Carmell, Herman Holland, Charles Raymond Goodwin, Christian Parks USNR, Carl Edward Peters, Collie Davis, Herman Pearl, M. D. Longate, Sidney Seligson, Morris Liss, Edward Hart, Joe Dowenberg, Martin S Fieberman PH M3/c, Charles Kurland USN, Ray Graves USN, Lt. Col. Anthony Pizzolato, Larry Bryan EM 3/c, George W. Tapp, Martin J. Corbett, Louis Katz, Allen Leveen, Thomas L. Cassin MMS 3/c USCG, Coleman Goldstein, Kenneth Grimes, Harry Gahu, Morris Rosenthal, Irwin Schnyder, Ernest L. Loring, William D. Phillips, Sgt. Glenn Goodhir, Bill Johnson, Robert W Noddin, Irving Kotler S 1/c, Murray B Rappaport S1/c, Private AJ Falcone, Eric G. Blackwell, Peter Morton, F. Guthrie, J. Hunter FAA RN, M. Murno FAA RN, GeneraL Pizzolato, Martin Bartholomew, Pvt. Harold S. Albrecht