The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 060-061
Images and transcript of pages 60-61 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.
Names featured in this spread include:
Peter Kelly, Lo Jo Hallahan, Charles Leef, Eddy Berenson, Franky Alsate, Solmer Lake, Di Taddeo, Frank B. Colon, Sam Mankes, Jack Duhmel, Louis Williams, Al Kelly, Pinky Picknick, Sidney Seligson, Frank R. Magg, Gerhard Freud, Murry Marot, Herb Goir, T.K. McHugh, Anthony A. Paszko, Herman Gorkey, Howard Stecher, Edward Joue, E.S. Hart, Ely M. Kempeld, Morris Melbourne, Raymond Chambers, John Masser, Morris Barden, Bob Rancourt, Jack Gertz, Sal Touha, Benson B. Leet USN S1/c, Jerry Cohen USA, William M. Cromwell, Morris Kaplan, George Bronsky, Toni Rosenthal, David Simonds, Samuel B. Himelberg, R.S. Lachance SM3/c, Gerard P. Robertson S1/c, Robert Cohn SM2/c USS dewey, Murray Kroland, Harold Gillet, WmD. Schustack PhM3/c USN, Jean L. Guitties, Buster Brown, Francis Carl Mills USNR, Armando Seofroh F2/c US Navy, Samuel Levy, Herbert Rubenstein, Louis Williams, Jerry Novak, Seymour Ringel, A.J. Stein, T. McHugh, J. Belsky, Sarah Friedman, Tony Pizzalato, Dan Ceulhane, Julius Yuma, James McKinnore, A Brisse