The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 064-065

The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 064-065

Portland Jewish Community Center


Images and transcript of pages 64-65 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.

Names featured in this spread include:

William Goldberg, Pvt Verlin Jones, Donald Simmons S2/c, Norman Cohen F1/c, Sgt Hyman Rosenberg, 1st Sgt Raymond Simmorrow, Pvt. Ben Barenbaum, Murray Drummer Boy, J.H. Saroka, HJ Sarault, Al shore, Mickey Whittier, Vincent H. Frank, Bob Baincourt, Bob Bulman, Herbert Singer CSK, Morris Bender, Harry Hahn, Morris Rosenthal, Morris Kaplan, Pvt. Verlin Jones, S. Levy, M. Bartholomew, Larry Lenovsky, Melvin Lehnder, Steven Raina, M. Hummell, Peyton C. Hale, Ernest J. Frost, James H. Brown, USN B.B. Leet, Melvord Meyers, Maynord Wilson, Sam Menkes, John Irwin, C.P. Tiel, Malcolm Clough, Dave Cantana, Ben Garbis, Dave Sribourt, Julius Danniman, Mickey Wilkes, Samuel Seigel, Charles Fisher, M. Herschaler, C.P. Minohahn, Alan Levey, Jimmy Berkwits, Barney Weinstein, Morris Fields, Joseph F. Oberle, Bruce Dahlmen, pfc George Refurca, Alexander Mouklas GM3/c, Hank Pasent, Joe Ostroft, Morris Melbourne, Nicholas Black, Romare Kiser, Edward Jones, Chiper Paul, Donald Keinz, BB Leet S2/c, Richard K. Ketchel, Van D. Thomas