The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 078-079

The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 078-079

Portland Jewish Community Center


Images and transcript of pages 78-79 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.

Names featured in this spread include:

Hal Goodfarb, John Conadett, Woodland ER USNR, John Wensing USNR, Max Goed[-?], Donald LeBarron S 2/C, Alec Leftbowitz S 2/C, Raymond LeBlanc S 2/C, Morris Rosenthal, Larence Nann[-?] RM 3/C, Morris E Kantor, Donald A Raub S 1/C, Oliver D Daier, Ira Friedman F 2/C, Alsu J[-?] Leveen, Melvin David Stairman, John Silver, Guido Varano, Jack Varon, Alan Fordney PhM 2/C, Morris Rosenthal, David Lifshitz S 2/C, Walter Devine, Alec Lefbowitz S 2/C, Donald LeBarron S 2/C, Al Portello, Lester C Mind[-?] Rdm 2/C, E[-?] E Coralano, Morris Nodborne, Samuel B Himelberg, Sidney Seligson Y 3/C, Milky Wilkin, Sam Wolfe, Samuel Kabakoff, Robert Demsey, Edward Bowler, Coleman Goldstein Cox USCG, Nathan Keiler, Harry L Boyg, Sy Berenson, William F Wunch, William Seirore, Garrett B Boyd, Carl J Peladeam, Herman C Overstreet, Harry Band, Pvt Ben Berenbaum, Samuel Levy, [-?]ly E Kleinfeld, Alec Lefkowitz, Donald LeBarron, Anthony Litterio, Lionel Hein, Coverly B Campbell, Nat Goodman, Louie Craft GM 3/C, Tom Pemberloin, JD MacDonald, JC Podesta, NW Jones, Sidney Seligson, Hal Epstein