The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 080-081
Images and transcript of pages 80-81 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.
Names featured in this spread include:
Milky Wilkin, Roy Markhan SR 2/C, Jaun Garcia F 1/C, Morris Gebuan, Pvt Samuel Srigel, Pvt Abshore, Cpl William J Pilson, Murray V Barrow S 2/C, WD Adams S 2/C, Peter Caruso, M Carvalho, Anthony Calofiore, Donald LeBarron, Harry Charles Tau[-?], Edmund Cahill USCG, Frederich W Jaysit USCG, JM Vollaro USCG, AF Metzger USCG, UA Wallace MM 3/C USN, [-?] Ira Kaplan S 2/C USNR, CJ Patter Rdu 3/C USNR, RD Thomas Som 3/C USNR, Tucci Alberto, Samuel Leary, Dave Suilour[-?], Alan Leveen, HL Hengent, MS Ry Koski, Nat Goodman, M Kantor, Prv Anthony Bacevic, M Nodborne, Norman F Starr, TS Kamewski, Charles Tatem Craver, "Detty" De Angelo RM 3/C, "Gerue[-?]" Butler EM 3/C, Phil Blaze, Pvt EJ Collier, Martin C Bartholomew, Ensign & Mrs. H Yoskin, Dominic D'Amico, Donald Eugene Kanuck, Sebouh Shahlamian, Robert W Hickman, Russell Valvo, Albert Schindler, Myron Levin, Mr & Mrs O Liberman, Guido Varano, Andrew J Cutter, Myron Levin, Morris Nodborne