The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 082-083
Images and transcript of pages 82-83 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.
Names featured in this spread include:
Al Schindler, Myron Levin, Ira Friedman Lt Co[-?], Arthur Parker PhM 2/C, Max Goedstein Capt of Head 1/C, Nat Goodman T/S 1/C, Murray Wenblatt SoM 3/C, Walter Devine, Harvey Mallins, Irving Kamph, Sammie Hurvitz, Myron Levin, Joe Goffrey, Micky Wilkin, William Holdridge, Maltese P.S., Sylvester LE, Stanley B Martin, Darrell O Light, Vernon Willard White, David L Oglesby F 1/C, Al Portello, Morris Nodborne, PFC G Rup[-?]i, Lou B Goldberg RM 2/C, Ernest T Maglione, Perry Shulman, Charles Fisher, George Stankewich, Arthur Parker PhM 2/C, Ronald K Jordan PhM 2/C, Max Goldstein, Nat Goodman, William D Price Ml 3/C, Stephen Kuritz S 2/C, Curtis Johnson, Arnold J Knight, Robert Rothman, Ruth Bronan, Cookie Alpenin, Norman Levine, Perry Shulman, Paul M Rollins SC 3/C, Perry Shulman, Samuel Yurman, Jack Varon, Sammie Hurwitz, D Srulowitz, Davis, CD EM 2/C, GL Jackson MMM 1/C, James H Jonas F 2/C, George Moore F 1/C, Lou B Goldberg RM 2/C, Joe Gaffney