The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 086-087
Images and transcript of pages 86-87 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.
Names featured in this spread include:
AA Schwab, RL Storlo, Gordon B Groff, Tony Canlas GM 3/C, Harvey Evans S 1/C, Pvt Eddie Deas, John Arnenio, Anthony Fasciani, Hal Dodge, Anthony D Du[-?] Sgt, Norman H Jones, Mary Flores Y 2C, Ben Gronchick, John W Bachrach, Ens W Cohn USNR, Anthony J Calofiore, Mort Karpa, Isaac Hamilton, Pvt Ely E Kleinfeld, Richard Sturm USNR, Milton Gitlin, Jack Varon, Barry Weissaner, Lt Herman Corn, Larry Jan[-?]on, Max Goodman, Ira Friedman, Sol Zelinsky, Ben Barenbaum, Seymour Berman, Jack Neiggemann, Sid L Frazer Jr SoM 3/C, Roland Nevins, Joe Brandalick, Antonio C Emare, Anthony Fasciani, James [-?] Clampitt S7 3/C, Charles H Fein, Sol Zelinsky, Sidney Seligson, David Lifshitz S 2/C, Heinz Buch[-?]al S 2/C, Sammie Hurwitz, Jack Varon, Sammy Seigel, Phil Greenstein, Anthony Rozmurs, R Kerbhoff, JJ Kennedy, I King, Wm Kelly, CJ Scully, EJ Monahan, Joseph Helfer, Al Shore, Pvt Nodborne, D Shore, Samuel B Himelberg S 4C