The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 006-007

The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 006-007

Portland Jewish Community Center


Images and transcript of pages 6-7 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.

Names featured in this spread include:

Samuel H Morris, Jake Davidson, H. S Bayler, Frank Harris, Oscar Levin, Harry Silverman, Nathan Tarkoff, Erwin Yessim, Elliot Haytowtz, Robert E Eisenhower, Howard Sannel, David Saltiel, Jake Davidson, Herman S. Bayler, Reginald H. Stal, Jack Patterson, Sarah Friedman, Will Stiles Byran, Issert Harry, James F. Mason, AA (Babe) Berger, Chuck Gustufon?, Lou Feinlly, Johnny Kisk, Nathan Miller, Tom Calleys, M. Razzate, H. B Lavine, D.H. M Haughlin, R.E Gent?, H. E Wilhow?, M. Douglas, P.L Baker, Joseph S Morton S2C, Jeremy Jarish? Cpl, Paul Gibbons Cpl, Peter Maltese S1/C, John E. Diffley, John S Stanhiem?, Frank Rohl?, W.E Huffman, R. H Kriff, H Sanders Jr., K. D Bishop, Harold M. Aspensm, Robert Schermer, Gerard Poulant, Leonard Raff, E. Harold Levy, Terence Tenchan, J. Milles, Saxon R.R SM 3/1, Tommy J.B S/1c, F. Chester, K. Narley, N Kaufman, M Liferman, Jerald? F. Oropsky? (Sgt), Chas G Boehine, Robert S Zimmerman, Eddie Ambrose, Maxwell D. Burmam