The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 0132-0133
Images and transcript of pages 132-133 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.
Names featured in this spread include:
AL Hill EM 2/C, Milford A Konbach, Jim West, Georgio Aselin, Maxwell D Burman, Bert Cabanis, Laurence Fiorini, Lawrence McIntryer, Edw S Hart, Irving Kaplan, Victor G Raia, Arthur Isbit, Lt Col Anthony "Tony" Pizzolato, Pfc I Simonoff, Lloyd W Rhodes , Albert Vagt, Herbert Selner MoMM 3/C, Raia VG, Ben Goldberg, Lenny Bernstein, Raymond Jensen, Irving A Krevitt, Larry Levy, Arthur Grodsky, Arthur Isbit, Sid Seligson, Nat Leiderman, Joseph J Sullivan, Henry A Fisher, Ben Stahl, S Giakomis, AC Bairnes, B Lepertz, RT 1/C Leonard Bregelman, George McWebber RM 3/C, Robb W Magill S 1/C, Charles E Jones Jr S 1/C, Gordon V Nice MoMM 3/C, Larry Hoffman S 1/C, Abraham Mitzman