The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 0142-0143

The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 0142-0143

Portland Jewish Community Center


Images and transcript of pages 142-143 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.

Names featured in this spread include:

Max Mendel, Raymond Feldstein, I Friedman, Charles Stockstiel, AG Ozatt, Sammie Arguntar, Ben Garbin, William R Parrish WT 2/C, Irving Garten, Bernard Busker, DW Davis CSF USN, HG Evans WT 2/C USN, JJ Betz SM 3/C USN, WH Brauniz YM 2/C USN, R Fischer, JM Weiss, Manual D Canter, Frank Duaria, Harry Flanagan, AT Grasso, M Silverman USNR, G Mamakos GM 3/C, [-?]ermath Lyons, SS Gorozynski SP 3/C USNR, James Clancy Cox USNR, Joe Schmuck US USNR, Joe Schmuck Jr, Carloes Humphrey Hobort, Daniel C DeAntonio USNR SC 3/C, George D Coleman Jr USNR S 1/C, Vernon L Windesheim S 1/C, CG Boelime Jr, CC Alley CM 3/C, WP Soraka GM 3/C, Euer Ready Hanton, Leigh Kupperman, Paul Abramson Pfc, Leonard Morgenstern, S Seligson, C Harnick, DS Markou, Bernard Levitt CW 2/C, AG Ozatt, Paul A Hupper RM 3/C USNR, Max Nathenson, Elwyn Earl M[-?], James C[-?] BM 2/C USN, Richard Hathaway