The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 0154-0155
Images and transcript of pages 154-155 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.
Names featured in this spread include:
Jack B Demins, Ellwood B Reinhardt, Laird S Jurman, Raymond T Kovich, Peter J Fasharro, Carl A Hallis, Michael J Damiano, Harry L Hockman, Richard Noil Becker, Mantell NJ, Pfc A Pizzolato, Mel Shader, Julius Bendat, H Rabin, N Gardelle, Benjamin Dyskanh SK 2/C USNR, Herbert W Gibson S 1/C, M Norman Kabatznick, Marvin M Davidson, Joseph Ceapa Jr, Goederig Eauard, Leon Harsfald SM 2/C USCG, Joe Gordon, M Norman Kabatznick, Irving Gordon, Marvin M Davidson, John J Pisciotti, Melvin May, Thomas N Teinton, Joseph Shapiro F 1/C, Joseph Spottswood, Charles Chorney, Alvin Orlomek RM 2/C, Samuel Edlow USMS, Bill Wayler, Hank Zufelt, Norman R Rosenberg, Leon Harsfald, Alvin Orlomek, Alex Swartz