The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 0158-0159

The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 0158-0159

Portland Jewish Community Center


Images and transcript of pages 158-159 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.

Names featured in this spread include:

Chas Van Dusen, AW Allens, Irwin Smith, George Walpole, Samuel Morris, William D Bennstul, LC Mindrup, Roland A Spier Y/C USNR, R Chanin USN, Hal Horfeeld USN"R", Al Page, JC Nettles CM 1/C, Arthur B Shesser, Dab B Canterberg CM 3/C, Albert Frank Gryck, Carl J Eppich S 1/C, K McRofhars RM 1/C, Frank W Yertill, Meir H Degani ScD Aer M 1/C, Eugene Goldhagen FC 2/C, Harvey Levler RT 1/C, Harold Kaplan, Jack Rissman FC 2/C, Samuel Cadomohr SSMT 3/C, Anthony Bones Corcifi, Benjamin Throckmorton Cohen, Joseph Rose SSM 2/C, Francis McJohn Jr GM 2/C, Corp Gerald F Tabelin, Harry Weinstein, Samuel Morris, Joe Webb, Cornell H Fhrift, Frank A Robicorn, Eugene P Gorham, OH Cassidy