The Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book Pages 014-015
Images and transcript of pages 14-15 of the Portland Jewish Community Center USO Guest Book. The Guest Book is the product of social events at the Portland Jewish Community Center from 1943-46. The full transcript for these pages can be downloaded by clicking the link above.
Names featured in this spread include:
Raymond Sing, Edward Shabovich, Ed Gornbein, A.A Shore, Irving Piltch, Victor Horowitz, Irving Tredman?, Leonard Savitz, Otis Dozof?, William Cohen, Joe Achanty, Geo. Laudis, Robert Murtagh, Raymond Santiago, Louis Freedom, Tommy Marbey, Cpl Christy J Popbintz?, John Silver, George Martin, Arthur Parker, Keith D. Airton, Norman A. Hood, Pfc. Alfrey Zeyman, Pfc Martin Hevana, Pfc Joseph McAleer, T/5 Charlie Dean, Pfc Steve Miller, Cpl Howard Deche, Pfc John G O'Neil, M/Sgt Jack Gertz, Pfc Al Been, Ernest B. McGavin Y 1/C, Seymour Gust, J Brannan, Wyn Cundey, Charles Beckwirt, Manny Goldstein, Eugune Ruiz, Irving Piltch, R. White Ex P.O.W, S Bresswell Ex P.O.W, Duromte Marius, Paul Cohen, Eddie Young, Alvin L Zueie?, James R Kehn, James F Raff