"A Northeast Safe and Thriving for All" by Linda Shi and Vanessa Levesque

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NOAA NEST Final Report 2023


Final Report to NOAA Climate Program Office Climate Adaptation Partnerships Planning Grant


Co-PIs: Dr. Abigail Abrash Walton, Faculty, Antioch University New England, Director, Center for Climate Preparedness and Community Resilience; Dr. Shorna Allred, Professor, Cornell Department of Natural Resources and the Environment; Dr. Christa Daniels, Faculty, Antioch University New England and Senior Associate, Center for Climate Preparedness and Community Resilience; Dr. David Hart, Director, Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions, University of Maine; Dr. Vanessa Levesque, Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of Southern Maine; Dr. Matthew Hauer, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Florida State University; Dr. Susanne Moser, Director and Principal Researcher of Susanne Moser

Research & Consulting and Affiliated/Research Faculty at University of Massachusetts- Amherst and Antioch University New England; Dr. Erich Osterberg, Associate

Professor, Dartmouth Earth Sciences and Chair of Upper Valley Climate Adaptation Workgroup; Ms. Julia Peterson, Full Extension State Specialist/Professor, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension/NH Sea Grant; Dr. David Reidmiller, Climate Center Director, Gulf of Maine Research Institute; Dr. Cameron Wake, Director, Center for North Atlantic Studies, University of New England and Chair Town of Kittery (Maine) Climate Adaptation Committee; Dr. Russell Weaver, Director of Research, Cornell University Industrial Labor Relations Buffalo Co-Lab; Ms. Lisa Wise, Climate Adaptation Program Manager, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension/ NH Sea Grant



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