
John Risley


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This is a scale model of the sculpture that now stands on the USM Portland campus.

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In October, 1967 the Student Senate voted to look into the possibility of obtaining a piece of sculpture on a Viking theme to serve as the campus symbol. The Art Department was contacted and the Spring of 1968 brought a model of a sculpture by Mr. John Risley of Wesleyan Univer­sity, called “The Viking Ship and the Midnight Sun”. After much discussion pro and con (some students wanted a 10’ tall statue of a Viking in full battle regalia), the Senate agreed to the model, and it was completed and received by December, 1969. A decision for its placement was finally made. The base was constructed and the Ship was ensconced in the outdoor court of Luther Bonney Hall.

viking_ship_2[1].jpg (3627 kB)
Viking Ship Reverse

viking_ship_3[1].jpg (3501 kB)
Viking Ship Side

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.


University of Maine Portland, University of Southern Maine, John Risley, Thise Viking Ship and the midnight Sun
