USM Digital Commons - Thinking Matters Symposium: Examining the Effects of Leadership-Fostered Organizational Priorities On Employee Mental Health

Presenter Information

Lauren CornelioFollow

Document Type

Oral Presentation


Leadership and Organizational Studies

Faculty Mentor

Dr. Elizabeth Goryunova


Employee mental health, leadership, organizational priorities, work environment


This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge by addressing the gap in the current literature regarding how organizational priorities enacted by a leader foster a work environment that can impact the mental health of employees. Utilizing a qualitative research design grounded in phenomenology, this study explores employees’ subjective experiences within different organizational cultures. By adopting a phenomenological approach, the study uncovers nuanced insights into employees’ lived experiences, shedding light on the intricate interplay between organizational priorities determined by the leader and employee mental health. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, allowing participants to reflect upon their perceptions of the connection between leadership-enacted priorities and employee mental health outcomes. As organizations strive to optimize their performance, understanding the implications of leadership-fostered culture on employee mental health becomes paramount. Findings from this study provide actionable insights for both organizational leaders and policymakers, informing strategies that promote healthier work environments and improved employee mental health.



Examining the Effects of Leadership-Fostered Organizational Priorities On Employee Mental Health

This research contributes to the growing body of knowledge by addressing the gap in the current literature regarding how organizational priorities enacted by a leader foster a work environment that can impact the mental health of employees. Utilizing a qualitative research design grounded in phenomenology, this study explores employees’ subjective experiences within different organizational cultures. By adopting a phenomenological approach, the study uncovers nuanced insights into employees’ lived experiences, shedding light on the intricate interplay between organizational priorities determined by the leader and employee mental health. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, allowing participants to reflect upon their perceptions of the connection between leadership-enacted priorities and employee mental health outcomes. As organizations strive to optimize their performance, understanding the implications of leadership-fostered culture on employee mental health becomes paramount. Findings from this study provide actionable insights for both organizational leaders and policymakers, informing strategies that promote healthier work environments and improved employee mental health.

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