Document Type
Poster Session
Faculty Mentor
Rikki Miller, PhD
The purpose of this study is to examine the All-Pathways approach as an effective modality in SUD treatments. Further, this study aims to identify personality characteristics that may predict an individual’s success rate in different SUD recovery programs. Despite the recent trend in the All-Pathways approach, there is a lack of research to substantiate this therapeutic modality. The All-Pathways approach is based on the “Client-centered” model of psychotherapy developed by Carl Rogers. The research findings by Deane et al. (2012) provide evidence that personality traits, such as self-forgiveness, can predict success or failure in a Twelve-step program. Effective treatments vary and are often a combination of approaches. Despite this, there is not currently a strategy in determining appropriateness of treatment modalities to the individual seeking treatment, which can result in early termination of the program. The end goal of this study is to develop a tool that can predict which SUD recovery program is the best match based on personality traits. The primary aim at first was to create a survey that could identify what these personality characteristics are. The completed survey will use the following scales: The Life Engagement Test scale, Heartland Forgiveness scale, Centrality of Religiosity scale, and the AMBI scale. Participants will be self-selected volunteers and surveys will be administered to participants online using Qualtrics. Data will be analyzed using SPSS once sufficient data has been collected.
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Personality Characteristics and the Mediating Variables that Lead to Success or Failure of Substance Use Disorder Treatments: An All-Pathways Assessment
The purpose of this study is to examine the All-Pathways approach as an effective modality in SUD treatments. Further, this study aims to identify personality characteristics that may predict an individual’s success rate in different SUD recovery programs. Despite the recent trend in the All-Pathways approach, there is a lack of research to substantiate this therapeutic modality. The All-Pathways approach is based on the “Client-centered” model of psychotherapy developed by Carl Rogers. The research findings by Deane et al. (2012) provide evidence that personality traits, such as self-forgiveness, can predict success or failure in a Twelve-step program. Effective treatments vary and are often a combination of approaches. Despite this, there is not currently a strategy in determining appropriateness of treatment modalities to the individual seeking treatment, which can result in early termination of the program. The end goal of this study is to develop a tool that can predict which SUD recovery program is the best match based on personality traits. The primary aim at first was to create a survey that could identify what these personality characteristics are. The completed survey will use the following scales: The Life Engagement Test scale, Heartland Forgiveness scale, Centrality of Religiosity scale, and the AMBI scale. Participants will be self-selected volunteers and surveys will be administered to participants online using Qualtrics. Data will be analyzed using SPSS once sufficient data has been collected.