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Written by Michael Brady

Directed by Kristen Peters

This production was entered in the Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival (KCACTF) 40.

Publication Date

Spring 2008


Gorham, ME


Theatre, University of Southern Maine Department of Theatre, Theatre Program, Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival


Arts and Humanities | Theatre and Performance Studies | Theatre History



David ... Jesse Leighton
Rachel ... Hayley· O'Connor
Cindy ... Meredith Lamothe
Paul ... Joseph McLeod
Kevin ... Maia Turla
Esther ... Tarra Haskell
Gillian ... Heather Green

"There are very few certainties in this life, and the hardest one to grasp is death. The loss of a loved one is an unbelievably challenging period in anyone's life, and it is only through time, friends, family and memory that we are able to continue on. Some people speak of" getting over it". It is my experience and belief that one never "gets over" the death of someone you loved. You simply get used to it, and accept it as a reality. The timeline for achieving this is varied and vast. For some it is a few years, for some it is decades, and some are never quite able to. Either way, there comes a point where you have to choose to live again. You either choose to live, or you choose to die. If you are surrounded with enough support the choice to live becomes slightly easier but no less painful.

"When To Gillian begins, David is at this very crossroad. He has a choice to make, and his family and friends are prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure he chooses life. Surrounded by a beautiful island filled with memories of the past and a vast night sky, David has literally placed himself between heaven and earth. This is the story of his journey through one of life's greatest challenges." - Kristen Peters

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To Gillian on her 37th Birthday Program [2008]



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