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This collection contains letters written by Harriet Sweetser, dated from 1898 to 1916, as well as some photographs. Most of the letters were written during her time as a student at Gorham Normal School, a teacher training college located on what is currently the Gorham campus of the University of Southern Maine. Almost all of the letters are addressed to her mother, with a few to her father. Sweetser writes home to tell her parents about her day-to-day life at school. She later taught at a grammar school in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine and became a superintendent. Harriet Sweetser was born on July 27, 1881 and died on March 27, 1925 of complications from an appendectomy. These letters were found and donated to the University by her niece, Elizabeth Sweetser Baxter.
Transcriptions of the handwritten letters were created by students in Professor Libby Bischof’s class HTY200 Reference, Research, and Report Writing, Spring Semester 2017, University of Southern Maine.
Publication Date
Winter 1-8-1899
Gorham, ME
Gorham Normal School, University of Southern Maine, 19th Century Life
Higher Education and Teaching | Other History | Photography | Women's History
Recommended Citation
Sweetser, Harriet, "01-08-1899" (1899). Life as a Student (1890-1900). 20.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Included in
Higher Education and Teaching Commons, Other History Commons, Photography Commons, Women's History Commons
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