
Date of Award


Document Type

Bibliographic Record

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

David Anthony Durham

Second Advisor

Elizabeth Searle

Third Advisor

Justin Tussing


Kingfisher is a full-length young adult fantasy novel about overcoming ingrained prejudice in an island nation on the brink of civil war. Seventeen-year-old Alcyone plans to become the youngest-ever master mage. They are non-binary, a fact proven by their ability to use both male and female magic. Eighteen-year-old Ceyx is the seafaring grandson of Hercules whose only goal in life is to continue to support his friends. In order to prevent their guilds from erupting into conflict, the two fake an engagement. This tests their relationships with their families, friends, and guild mentors. Alcyone has to learn that there’s more to life than their ambition and Ceyx must learn to challenge his friends on their wrongdoings. Everything culminates in an explosive climax involving a cyclone, an invading army, and a traitor god.


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