USM's College of Science, Technology and Health and the Department of Exercise, Health, and Sport Sciences offers degrees in Athletic Training, Exercise Science (concentrating in exercise physiology or health fitness), and Health Sciences.

These innovative programs offer students the opportunity to gain clinical experience while using the most advanced sports medicine equipment available. Upon completion of the curriculum, the undergraduate athletic training student will be eligible to challenge the Board of Certification (BOC) examination for the Athletic Trainer. Upon completion of their respective curricula, exercise science majors will be eligible to challenge an eclectic mix of national certification examinations including the American College of Sports Medicine's (ACSM) Health Fitness Specialist and Clinical Exercise Specialist certification examinations and the National Strength and Conditioning Association's (NSCA) Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) examination. Health Sciences graduates are prepared for careers in general health science fields and for admission to graduate and professional programs.

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Submissions from 1991


Effect of 12 and 20 Weeks of Resistance Training on Lumbar Extension Torque Production, David M. Carpenter, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, Scott H. Leggett, Dan Foster, Bryon Holmes, and Michael N. Fulton


Effect of Exercise Training on Blood Pressure in 70− to 79-yr-old Men and Women, Carmen C. Cononie, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, M Ian Phillips, Colin Sumners, and James M. Hagberg


Women Walking for Health and Fitness: How Much Is Enough?, John J. Duncan PhD, Neil Fasch Gordon PhD, and Christopher B. Scott PhD


The Role of Exercise in the Primary and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease, Neil Fasch Gordon PhD and Christopher B. Scott PhD

Hypertension and Exercise, Neil F. Gordon PhD and Christopher B. Scott PhD

Exercise Training for Muscular Strength and Endurance, James Graves PhD, M Welsch, and M L. Pollock


Quantitative Assessment and Training of Isometric Cervical Extension Strength, Scott H. Leggett, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, Michael Shank, David M. Carpenter, Bryon Holmes, and Michael Fulton


Injuries and Adherence to Walk/jog and Resistance Training Programs in the Elderly, Michael L. Pollock, Joan F. Carroll, James Graves PhD, Scott H. Leggett, Randy W. Braith, Marian Limacher, and James M. Hagberg


The Maximally Accumulated Oxygen Deficit as an Indicator of Anaerobic Capacity, Christopher B. Scott PhD, Fred B. Roby, Timothy G. Lohman, and Joy C. Bunt

Submissions from 1990


Exercise and Mild Essential Hypertension, Neil Fasch Gordon PhD, Christopher B. Scott PhD, W Jody Wilkinson, John J. Duncan, and Steven N. Blair


Concurrent Augmented Feedback and Isometric Force Generation during Familiar and Unfamiliar Muscle Movements, James Graves PhD and Robert J. James


Quantitative Assessment of Full Range-of-Motion Isometric Lumbar Extension Strength, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, David M. Carpenter, Arthur Jones, Michael McMillan, and Michael Fulton


Effect of Training Frequency and Specificity on Lumbar Extension Strength, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, Dan Foster, Scott H. Leggett, David M. Carpenter, Rosemaria Vuoso, and Arthur Jones


Comparison of Harpenden and Lange Calipers in Predicting Body Composition, Joseph J. Gruber, Michael L. Pollock, James Graves PhD, Andrea B. Colvin, and Randy W. Braith


Constant vs. Variable Resistance Knee Extension Training, Renata J. Manning, James Graves PhD, David M. Carpenter, Scott H. Leggett, and Michael L. Pollock


Effect of Aerobic and Resistance Training on Fractionated Reaction Time and Speed of Movement, Lynn Bishop Panton, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, James M. Hagberg, and William Chen


Comparative Analysis of Cardiopulmonary Responses during Dynamic Exercise with Wrist Weights in the Elderly versus Young Hypertensive Responders, M Sagiv, E Goldhammer, Michael L. Pollock, James Graves PhD, A Schneewiss, and D Ben-Sira

Submissions from 1989


Comparison of 2 vs 3 Days/Week of Variable Resistance Training During 10- and 18-Week Programs, R W. Braith, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, Scott H. Leggett, D M. Carpenter, and A B. Colvin


Comparison of Different Bioelectrical Impedance Analyzers in the Prediction of Body Composition, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, Andrea B. Colvin, Marta Van Loan, and Timothy G. Lohman


Cardiovascular Responses of 70-79 Year Old Men and Women to Endurance and Strength Training, J M. Hagberg, James Graves PhD, M Limacher, D R. Woods, S H. Leggett, C Cononie, J J. Gruber, and Michael L. Pollock


Effect of Resistance Training on Lumbar Extension Strength, Michael L. Pollock PhD, Scott H. Leggett MS, James Graves PhD, Arthur Jones, Michael Fulton, and Joe Cirulli


Evaluation of a Heart Rate Controlled Cycle Ergometer for use in Cardiac Rehabilitation, Keith L. Tennant PhD, Robert E. Allen PhD, Michael L. Pollock PhD, James Graves PhD, Michael Carmichael MD, and Richard Conti MD

Submissions from 1988


Physiological Responses to Walking with Hand Weights, Wrist Weights and Ankle Weights, James Graves PhD, A Daniel Martin, Lenora A. Miltenberger, and Michael L. Pollock


Reliability and Validity of Bioelectrical Impedance in Determining Body Composition, A S. Jackson, Michael L. Pollock, James Graves PhD, and M T. Mahar


Alterations in Plasma Volume, Electrolytes and Protein during Incremental Exercise at Different Pedal Speeds, J M. Pivarnik, S J. Montain, James Graves PhD, and Michael L. Pollock

Submissions from 1987


Serum Creatine Kinase Isoenzyme CK-MB Following Isometric Exercise, James Graves PhD, Priscilla M. Clarkson PhD, Paul Litchfield MS, and John P. Kirwan MS


Serum Creatine Kinase Activity Following Repeated Bouts of Isometric Exercise with Different Muscle Groups, James Graves PhD, Priscilla M. Clarkson, Paul Litchfield, John P. Kirwan, and James P. Norton


The Effect of Hand-held Weights on the Physiological Responses to Walking Exercise, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock PhD, Scott J. Montain, Andrew S. Jackson, and Joanne M. O'Keefe


Body Composition of Elite Female Distance Runners, James Graves PhD, Michael L. Pollock, and P B. Sparling

Submissions from 1986


Levels of Serum Creatine Kinase and Myoglobin in Women After Two Isometric Exercise Conditions, John Kirwan, Priscilla M. Clarkson, James Graves PhD, Paul Litchfield, and W C. Byrnes


Exercise Prescription for the Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery Patient, Carolyn P. Metier RN, MS; Michael L. Polloch PhD; and James Graves PhD

Submissions from 1985


Serum Creatine Kinase Activity Following Forearm Flexion Isometric Exercise, Priscilla Clarkson, Paul Litchfield, James Graves PhD, John Kirwan, and William C. Byrnes


Serum Creatine Kinase Activity and Body Composition in Males and Females, James P. Norton, Priscilla M. Clarkson, James Graves PhD, Paul Litchfield, and John Kirwan

Submissions from 1984


Isokinetic Strength and Endurance and Muscle Fiber Type of Elite Oarswomen, P M. Clarkson, James Graves PhD, A M. Melchionda, and J Johnson


The Effect of Local Isometric Exercise on Serum Levels of Beta-Endorphin/Beta-Lipotropin, Anthony M. Melchionda, Priscilla Clarkson, Charles Denko, Patty Freedson, James Graves PhD, and Frank Katch

Submissions from 1982


The Relationship of Serum Creatine Kinase, Fiber Type, and Isometric Exercise, P M. Clarkson, W Kroll, James Graves PhD, and W A. Record