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Mev Miller, founder of the Wanderground Lesbian Archives/Library
Document Type
Program: Women in Print (WiP) – Enriching Lesbian Communities in the late 20th Century
Date/Time: October 3, 5:30-6:30pm
Place: 7th Floor Event Room (Glickman Library, Portland Campus)
Description: Between 1960-2000, Lesbian (and feminist) presses, publishing, and bookstores created visibility and access to Lesbian authors. Mev Miller, founder of the Wanderground Lesbian Archives/Library, will talk about how Women in Print supported and encouraged Lesbian activities during that period.
Special Collections, Events, Lesbian Publications, Mey Miller
Recommended Citation
Special Collecitons, University of Southern Maine, "Women in Print (WiP) – Enriching Lesbian Communities in the late 20th Century Date/Time: October 3, 5:30-6:30pm" (2024). Events. 43.
Event Transcript (Unedited AI)
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