Author Guidelines | Maine Rural Health Research Center - Rural Hospitals (Flex Program) | Maine Rural Health Research Center (MRHRC) | University of Southern Maine

Submission Guidelines for Rural Hospitals (Flex Program)

Who Can Submit

Rural Hospitals (Flex Program) only publishes materials about work conducted under the primary auspices of Maine Rural Health Research Center. For additional information, please contact the Maine Rural Health Research Center (MRHRC) Program Area Liaison, Karen Pearson,

How to Submit a Paper

1. Complete the web form under the Submit Research link in the sidebar. Please include the following information: abstract; keywords; and name, institutional affiliation (department and university), and email address for each author.

2. Write an abstract for your paper (no more than 300 words). Please also select keywords (3 min, 6 max). These are words that will help a user locate your paper through a search.

3. Make sure your paper is in an acceptable format. We can accept papers in Microsoft Word, Rich Text Format (RTF), or Adobe Acrobat (PDF).

We can convert files from some programs into an acceptable format. Please contact the Digital Commons Site Administrator, Mary Holt,

4. If you have any questions, please see our FAQs or contact the MRHRC Program Area Liaison, Karen Pearson

Overview of the Process

After you submit your paper a Digital Commons Administrator will review your submission and publish your work on the site. You will be notified by e-mail when the paper is posted.


If you publish this paper or a revised version elsewhere, for example in a journal, please send the citation of the new version to the MRHRC Program Area Liaison, Karen Pearson,

If you would like to post a revised version of your paper on the site, please follow the instructions in How to Submit; (see above) however, please specify when you submit the paper that it is a revision of a previously submitted paper.

Rights and Permissions

Before submitting material to the repository, please be sure that all necessary permissions have been cleared. You retain the copyright to your work and grant us the nonexclusive right to publish this material, meaning that you may also publish it elsewhere.

It is necessary that you agree to the terms of publishing in the repository listed in the Submission Agreement in the online submission form for your program area, and that you complete this form with each new submission to USM Digital Commons.

A printed Content Release Form is required for authors who do not submit their work with the online submission form. The Content Release Form can be completed and delivered to the MRHRC Program Area Liaison, Karen Pearson,

Please contact the site administrator Mary Holt, with additional questions copyright and permissions.

Before submitting material to the repository, please be sure that all necessary permissions have been cleared.

You retain the copyright to your work and grant us the nonexclusive right to publish this material, meaning that you may also publish it elsewhere.

It is necessary that you agree to the terms of publishing in the repository listed in the Submission Agreement in the online submission form for your program area, and that you complete this form with each new submission to USM Digital Commons.

Please contact the site administrator Mary Holt with additional questions copyright and permissions.