
O'Connor Matthew



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Evan Murray is a 45 year old nonbinary transman. They were born in Boston, Massachusetts and moved to Windham, Maine. Within the interview, Murray discusses the problems with going to a school that is too small, identity challenges within family, and the love of political activism. He had also discussed how his identity had changed over the years, as a young adult, coming to the identity of nonbinary, and later embracing their more masculine aspects. He attended USM and then later a college in Washington, State. He also discusses the importance of chosen family including his relationship with his three children. Murray now works for the League of Women Voters of Maine, and highlights the role of political activism in their life.

Please cite as: Querying the Past: LGBTQ Maine Oral History Project Collection, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer+ Collection, Jean Byers Sampson Center for Diversity in Maine, University of Southern Maine Libraries. For more information about the Querying the Past: Maine LGBTQ Oral History Project, please contact Dr. Wendy Chapkis.


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USM Special Collections


Portland, ME


Outright, figuring out identity, political activism, chosen family, League of Women Voters, growing up in a conservative area, 1970s, ACT UP, AIDS Epidemic, Blackstone, Boston, Windham, theater, bullying, outing, National Coming Out day, Washington, Chris O’Connor, Coming out, Equality Community Center, Family, Family of Origins, Family Support, Highschool, Homophobic Harassment, legislative campaign, National Campaign for Marriage Equality, Non-binary, parental relationship, Planned Parenthood and working around families comfortability


History of Gender | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies | Oral History | Women's Studies

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Murray, Evan



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