05/25/2020 OUT cast


05/25/2020 OUT cast



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Join us Monday, May 25th from 1:00 to 1:30 p.m. on OUT Cast for Part 1 of a conversation with Dr. Lani Graham and Dale McCormick. This show will launch a series of shows called "Deja Vu? The COVID Pandemic and the AIDS Crisis". Sive and Steve will be interviewing activists, medical professionals and others who were heavily engaged in the fight against AIDS here in Maine and elsewhere. While the current pandemic has haunting echoes of AIDS, there are also important differences that we will delve into. Part 2 will air on June 1st.

Lani Graham A family physician, Lani Graham, MD, MPH, has devoted her career to addressing not only the health of individual patients, but also the health of the wider human community—here in Maine, and across the nation. Dr. Graham is a Maine native, but obtained her education and began work out of state. She returned to Maine in December of 1985 and began work as Director of Disease Control for the state. It was in that role that she was asked to take charge of the government side of Maine’s response to the HIV epidemic. For her work in that role she was acknowledged with an award by the MPGPA in 1987. In 1990 she became Public Health Director for Maine, and continued her work to address the on-going HIV epidemic as well as a variety of other public health issues. After leaving her position as Health Director, Dr. Graham continued her advocacy for the public health. She became Chair of Citizens for a Healthy Portland, a coalition that lead the effort in Portland to ban smoking in restaurants, and subsequently lead to a statewide ban, thus protecting wait staff and customers alike from a class A carcinogen. Working with colleagues in Physicians for Social Responsibility, Dr. Graham published a report, Death by Degrees, in the year 2000 about the dangers of climate change for Maine and in 2015 collaborated on an update of that report. Up until November 2017, Dr, Graham was Director of the Medical Professionals Health Program, helping colleagues with substance use disorders or mental health problems. Dr. Graham currently serves as a member of the Public Health Committee of the Maine Medical Association, is an active member of multiple public health organizations.

Dale McCormick Dale is a lover of justice and a player of music. Dale co-founded and was the first president of the Maine Lesbian Gay Political Alliance, the precursor to EqualityMaine, I n 1984. She was the first open lesbian State Senator elected in the US and became Maine’s first female Constitutional Officer when she was elected State Treasurer in 1996. Dale is a carpenter, cellist has three daughters, and lives on an urban farm in Augusta.

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WMPG 90.9 FM


Portland, Maine


WMPG, LGBTQ, OUT cast, AIDS, COVID, pandemic, Dale McCormick, Lani Graham, Sive Neilan, Steve Bull


Cultural History | Digital Humanities | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | History | History of Gender | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies | Oral History | Other Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

05/25/2020 OUT cast
