07/13/2020 OUT cast
Tune in to OUT Cast on Monday, July 13th from 1 to 1:30 p.m. as Sive and Steve continue their series, "Deja Vu? the COVID Pandemic and the AIDS Crisis". This week we interview Rich Waitzkin and learn about his pioneer work here in Maine as the first few cases appeared in the early '80's. Rich Waitzkin is an educator and clinical social worker in Maine for the past 45 years. He served on the front lines of the AIDS crisis in southern Maine, participating in the first training for HIV/AIDS educators and counselors who provided counseling and testing in those early days. He also served on the Governor’s Council for AIDS when John McKernan was in office. Historically, Rich has served on numerous, non-profit boards and most recently, helped establish Portland’s Equality Community Center and now, serves as its board secretary.
Publication Date
WMPG 90.9 FM
Portland, Maine
WMPG, LGBTQ, OUT cast, Sive Neilan, Steve Bull, Rich Waitzkin, AIDS, pandemic
Cultural History | Digital Humanities | Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | History | History of Gender | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies | Oral History | Other Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Recommended Citation
Neilan, Sive and Bull, Steve, "07/13/2020 OUT cast" (2020). OUT cast. 67.