The Maine Savvy Caregiver Project: Translating an Evidence-Based Dementia Family Caregiver Program Within the RE-AIM Framework

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Journal of Gerontological Social Work


dementia family caregiving, Savvy Caregiver Program, RE-AIM, Alzheimer’s disease, translation


This article presents findings of a 3-year Savvy Caregiver Program translational study designed with the RE-AIM framework to create a statewide sustainable infrastructure and improve dementia family caregiver outcomes in one rural state. The RE-AIM dimensions—reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance—were evaluated using mixed methods. The program reached 770 caregivers and 87.7% (n = 676) participated in the study with 60.5% (n = 409) residing in rural locations. Participants demonstrated improved confidence, fewer depressive symptoms, and better managed their situation. Trainer resources, partnerships, and adequate planning were essential for program adoption and sustainability. Implications for replication are discussed.
