"The Use of Deferred Dispositions in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assau" by Robyn Dumont, Tara Wheeler et al.

The Use of Deferred Dispositions in Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Cases in Maine

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 2-1-2021


This report summarizes the findings from an examination of how deferred disposition is used in Maine. This option typically involves the accused pleading guilty to a charge and agreeing to meet certain conditions over a period of time, commonly one year. If conditions are met, the case is either dismissed or the defendant is found guilty of a lesser crime than the one with which he/she
was originally charged. A deferred disposition can also include a more favorable outcome for the defendant (eg., a fine instead of jail). If the terms are not met, the defendant is convicted of the charge to which he/she pled guilty.
