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Youth Advocates Programs, Inc. (YAP) is a nationally recognized, nonprofit organization committed to the provision of community-based alternatives and out-of-home care through direct service, advocacy and policy change.

YAP works with more than 19,000 youth and families annually in 23 states and the District of Columbia in over 100 communities.YAP works with youth and families involved in the Juvenile Justice, Child Welfare, Behavioral Health and Education systems. Their work with system-involved youth helps states move youth from formal system involvement and into effective approaches that support the youth in the community. Services are individualized for the youth and the family but usually include care management, 24/7 crisis intervention services, skill development, education, and vocational work.


The Place Matters project is housed at the Justice Policy Program within the Cutler Institute at the Muskie School of Public Service, which is located at the University of Southern Maine and is supported by a collective of funders including: The John T. Gorman Foundation, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, The Rocking Moon Foundation, the Maine Juvenile Justice Advisory Group, and the Maine Economic Improvement Fund.

We send out a monthly e-mail in collaboration with the Maine Center for Juvenile Law and Policy at the University of Maine School of Law with news and information about the future of youth justice in Maine. Sign up to receive the newsletter and check out previous months by following the link below:



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