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The 2008 Maine Crime and Justice Data Book presents a portrait of crime and justice indicators in the state, using the most recent Department of Public Safety, Department of Corrections and court data available for Maine. Totals were disaggregated to the state, county and municipal levels (where possible) and stratified by crime type, age of offender and gender. The data book consists of four sections, 1) Index Crimes in Maine, 2) Arrests and Clearances in Maine, 3) Courts and Corrections, and 4) Maine’s Adult and Juvenile Recidivism Outcomes.
While Maine has the lowest violent crime rate in the country, certain crimes, most notably forcible rate and domestic assaults, are occurring more often. In addition, drug and alcohol arrests account for a disproportionate share of all arrests made. This report also examines the rise of incarceration rates, a trend which is having profound social and fiscal impacts on the state and counties. Finally, this report offers both adult and juvenile recidivism data for the first time.
Recommended Citation
Dodge, Jennifer; Noréus, Becky; Rubin, Mark; and Rocque, Michael, "Maine Crime & Justice Data Book 2008 (2009)" (2009). Maine Statistical Analysis Center. 14.
This report is available on the Maine Statistical Analysis Center Website at:
The 2008 Maine Crime and Justice Data Book was created under the auspices of the State Justice Statistics Program, Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), Department of Justice (DOJ). Funding for this report was provided by BJS Grant 2008-BJ-CX-K034.
The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the Department of Justice.
The Maine Criminal Justice Commission generously supported this initiative by covering the cost of printing.