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Little Moxie Pond is a 73-acre wild brook trout pond. Competing species present include white sucker (Catostomus commersoni), creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus), and golden shiner (Notemigonus crysoleucas). In 1994, Little Moxie Pond was included in a study designed to gather baseline information from various Maine trout ponds. The pond was trapnetted each fall to determine total biomass of trout and other competitors. The brook trout population responded dramatically to the removal of competitors during the netting process. New regulations were imposed to protect the improving trout fishery. However, as the trout fishery recovered, angler use and harvest increased, resulting in a decline in the fishery. Although much of the data reported herein has been included in reports summarizing the trout pond study (Bonney 1998), this report will focus on the results from only Little Moxie Pond.
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I 54.20/5:Ef 27
age, growth, age frequency, biomass, angler effort, BKT, harvest, mean size, population estimate, WHS
Recommended Citation
Obrey, Timothy C., "1999 Effects of Competition Removal and Restrictive Regulations on Wild Brook Trout in Little Moxie Pond" (1999). Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IFW). 2.
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