"Challenges and Opportunities for Improving Mental Health Services in R" by Jean A. Talbot PhD and Andrew F. Coburn PhD

Document Type


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LTSS, working paper, MRHRC, mental health, policy, rural, USM Aging Initiative, Health and Wellness


Despite high levels of need, individuals in long-term care often fail to receive appropriate mental health services, especially in rural areas. In this report (and accompanying Research & Policy Brief), we consider challenges and opportunities for improving mental health treatment delivered to long-term care recipients in rural settings. As background, we note the prevalence of mental health problems in long-term care populations, describe deficiencies in the mental health care afforded to long-term care recipients, and identify barriers that hinder the remediation of these deficiencies in rural settings. We also outline a rationale for enhancing mental health services in long-term care. We then discuss new approaches that have been implemented or could be used to effect positive transformations in the delivery of mental health services to rural long-term care populations. We underscore the potential for synergies between these innovations and provisions introduced under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010. Finally, we delineate policy considerations for promoting new mental health service models in rural long-term care settings.

Funding Organization

Federal Office of Rural Health Policy, Health Resources and Services Administration, DHHS

Grant Number




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