
Submissions from 2017


LGBTQ+ History in Maine: A Documentary History Reader, Ashley Towle

Publications from 2008


Diversity at the Ballot Box: Electoral Politics and Maine's Minority Communities, Post-WWII to the Present, University of Southern Maine, Selma Botman, Howard M. Solomon, Abraham J. Peck, and Bob Greene

Publications from 2007


'Remember Me?' The Life and Legacy of Jean Byers Sampson, University of Southern Maine, Joseph S. Wood, Abraham J. Peck, Mark Lapping, and Margaret Ann Brown

Publications from 2006


Liberating Visions: Religion and the Challenge of Change in Maine,1820 to the Present, University of Southern Maine, Susie Boch, Joseph S. Wood, Maureen Elgersman Lee, Howard M. Solomon, and Abraham J. Peck

Publications from 2005


The Ties That Bind: Experiences of Family in Maine, 1900-Present, Univeristy of Southern Maine, Susie Bock, Joseph S. Wood, Maureen Elgersman Lee, Abraham J. Peck, and Howard M. Solomon