"LG MS 052 Sage Hylton (-Lemons) Papers" by K A. Perry


K A. Perry

Document Type


Publication Date



LGBTQ+ activists, Portland (Me.) -- History, Gay high school students, Scrapbooks, Eulogies, Sage S. Hylton-Lemons-Link (1980-), Outright (Portland Me.), Maine. Department of Attorney General. Civil Rights Team Project



Sage Hylton-Lemons grew up in Portland, Maine. In high school, Hylton-Lemons found sanctuary as a gay teenager in the youthdriven group Outright, where his involvement progressed from attending weekly meetings to being a member of the Board, then President of the Board. As an Outright member and activist, Hylton-Lemons spoke at schools and events, became a peer-advisor, and helped other communities organize their own Outrights. He was instrumental in conceiving and organizing Outright's first annual prom in 1998. He was profoundly influenced by Christian T. Chenard, a nurse practitioner for the City of Portland Public Health Positive Healthcare Program. The papers include a scrapbook, photographs from the 1998 Outright Prom, a letter from the Maine Assistant Attorney General, a transcript of Hylton-Lemons' testimony at a Portland City Council hearing regarding funding for Outright, and a transcript of his eulogy at the 2007 memorial service for Dr. Chenard along with other materials from the service.

Date Range:

1996-1998, 2007

Size of Collection:

0.25 Linear Feet 1 Box (0.25 Linear Feet)


Conditions Governing Access:

This collection is open for research.

Conditions Governing Use:

Materials in this collection are the physical property of the University of Southern Maine Libraries. Literary rights, including copyright, belong to the creator, or their legal heirs and assigns. For further information, consult Special Collections staff.

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Sage Hylton-Lemons-Link, gift, 2010.



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